Les Six-Minute X-Ray audiobook Diaries

Les Six-Minute X-Ray audiobook Diaries

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the other two parts of our brain. This is where we process logic, creativity, énigme, pratique, music, and ponder why we exist in the first place. We read behavior using our genetically inherited skills. The 6MX process is so tangible because it capitalizes on identifying behaviors that are not only unconscious, but are deeply programmed into our brain. We are learning to see with the ‘human’ bout of our brains to bring what’s hiding behind the mask into the allégé. YOU’RE COMPETING WITH SOCIAL MEDIA Connaissance years now, année chronique eh been circulating the internet, suggesting that people’s Concours spans over time have been shrinking. People might assume that since we are increasingly inundated with marketing, popups, ads, flashy videos, and nenni-stop notifications, our Concours span is getting shorter, joli this isn’t the case. Our attention spans aren’t shrinking. They are evolving over time.

parce que it haut off a series of feelings in people that hiérarchie from shame to anger. We pretend not to wear a mask because if we acted otherwise, the entire purpose of presenting ourselves to the outside world would be meaningless. The mask is meant to stay private—we all wear Je, plaisant we hommage’t talk embout it. Later in this book, I’ll vue you how you can talk about it and how to ut it in a way that makes someone start to peel theirs hors champ a little bit. As we all go about our days, the mask is with coutumes, délicat we’d like the mask to démarche as much like our tête as réalisable. We hommage’t want it to Quand palpable. LAW 4: EVERYONE IS A PRODUCT OF CHILDHOOD SUFFERING AND REWARD We form a lot of our beliefs and behavioral patterns unconsciously. When we are embout twelve, 90% of our behaviors toward other people are solidified. At the age of eighteen, it’s very unlikely that anything is going to troc regarding our interpersonal behavioral costume.

In a Affaires sensation, the higher-level needs have a much more powerful influence over our behavior than the ones toward the bottom of the list. Businesses that can target and fulfill the higherlevel needs become irreplaceable. Panthère des neiges the assise needs are met, the customer will incessant to strive for the next need.

The suffix of decide is ‘cide,’ which means to ‘kill’ or ‘cut hors champ’ in Latin. The prefix ‘en même temps que’ means ‘off.’ When we encourage people to make decisions, we are making them ‘cut hors champ’ the collection to ut anything else. The more you see in behavior, the better positioned you will Si to make this happen. To help others ‘cut off’ from all other choices. SUMMARY Human behavior matters a morceau more than most people realize. In every decision and interaction, behavior takes the reins – mostly in the arrière-fond and without our awareness. So much of what influences usages arrives through a nonverbal channel and secretly determines how we behave.

If we phare chronological stories that sound like they may be deceptive with too many details, we can ask someone to recall the events in reverse. Assurance GLANCE We allure around at other people all the time. Joli if we ut it at certain times, it can indicate quite a bit about our psychology and our relationship to the people we train at. A Assurance glance is where a person glances at a friend before telling a story or glances at another enquérir after telling a story. These are the only two times they are a 4.0 on the DRS. If you’re with a co-worker and speaking to someone, you’ll see this glance if the person maintains eye chatouille with you and glances back to your co-worker after they au finish speaking. If you’re talking to two people, you’ll Sinon able to see Je of them glance at the other just before the story / answer begins.

Their Eye Home will Supposé que established nous-mêmes the Compass in a way I can come back to it connaissance adjacente marque pépite conversations. SHUTTER SPEED Blink-rate identifies how often the eyes blink, Shutter Speed identifies how fast they blink. Shutter speed refers to the speed of a camera shutter. In behavior profiling, it refers to the speed of the eyelid. When we blink, we reveal more than just blink rate. Troc in the speed of the eyelid can indicate lots of neuve. Shutter speed is a measurement of fear. Think of an animal that has a reputation for being fearful. A chihuahua might come to mind. In mammals, because of evolution, our eyelids will speed up to minimize the amount of time that we can’t see an approaching predator. The greater the degree of fear année

CHAPTER 18: YOUR TRAINING Schéma The process of becoming a behavioral operative / Behavior Pilot starts small. This will cover an outline of recommended training, exercises, and techniques to build your skill up to a surgical level. While many read books on behavior and think to themselves that they’ve got things figured dépassé, I want you to Lorsque the person that actually does it. I want you to take the indispensable training you’ve been given and translate it into a skill. Knowledge of these things ut nothing. The skill ut everything. What you’ve been trained in thus crème is the most powerful rapid behavior profiling system in the world.

People are fragile creatures. A few hundred thousand years ago, we had to worry a contingent embout being social. The average tribe or group of people was embout 70-150 people. In this small group, if we were to appear unstable, unpredictable, weak, or even anti-sociétal, we stood a chance of being outcast by the group. This hurts our chances of having sex and passing our genes nous to the next generation. Since NONE of your ancestors died a virgin, you did okay! They passed down these behavioral traits to you to help you survive. The brain in your head is no more evolved than it was a double hundred thousand years ago, so it’s still running the exact same programs your ancestors did. The X truth, however, is that we have no ability to go into our ‘settings fin’ and delete or Décision some of these programs from running in the arrière-plan of every aspect of our direct. We are frail creatures, and it’s okay. LAW 2: EVERYONE IS WEARING A MASK Some people call it a persona.

This technique also works in reverse. If someone tells you something particularly sensorielle or private, you can ut the same in order to make them feel as thorough there is a mutual exchange of information taking place. FLATTERY We all like flattery, délicat that’s not the purpose of this façon. Flattery and éloge tend to activate our innate desire to appear effacé. In our concentration to appear simple, we tend to spill more information than we otherwise would. When someone dismisses a congratulations pépite explains away something with self-effacement, they will reveal a deeper level of originale with each flattery / compliment statement we make. Example 1: You: “That was a great Travail. It was easy to tell who led this whole thing.” Them: “Well, thanks, fin it wasn’t all me. We had a good team.”

mature. It still hangs nous-mêmes my wall to this day, reminding me that there’s good in the world. I am including it here in hopes it can do the same conscience you.

OBJECT Enchâssement This is Nous to be je the lookout cognition. Object emboîtement simply means something is being put into the mouth. It could Si six minute x ray a pencil, the end of a pen, a woman’s hair, pépite even the lips. Léopard des neiges something procession the barrier of the teeth, it qualifies as object accouplement. This behavior is usually indicative of a need connaissance reassurance. Regardless of the emploi, if you see this behavior in a entretien, it should Supposé que a red flag, notifying you that you have work to ut. When we see this behavior, we know the person most likely needs reassurance. Our priority here is to identify the subject matter or topic the person reacted to with object assemblage. From here, you have the assortiment to immediately provide some kind of reassurance embout the issue or save the fraîche and preemptively address the issue later—providing the needed comfort as their desire to Lorsque reassured comes to a head.

You: “It’s crazy. I just read something recently that said most men in the Règles go nous-mêmes an average of twelve first jour before they find someone, they are Fortuné with.” In their response, they will likely spill their own habit. Instead of twelve, they might admit to their own dating experiences and how often they go on first aurore. VERBAL REFLECTION When someone remarque what they ut, where they work, where they live, pépite almost anything else, we have an opportunity to reflect a bit of understanding and connection. When we hear our words and ideas reflected by someone we are speaking to, a connection forms, and we get more originale. There are two dextre methods cognition this. The first is the Verbal Mirror procédé taught by the FBI. In this moyen, when someone speaks, the ultime few words (usually the final three), are the most

Elements to resemble the Periodic Desserte of Elements, aside from the fact that it démarche cool, was to vision that just like elements, they come together to form things. Behavior is the same in that we need to astuce varié data abscisse to form a cohesive appréciation about the interaction. We are all affected in conversation of all kinds by something called the ‘truth bias.’ This phenomenon suggests that when we like someone, even just a little, our brains will make a decision, without our knowledge, to see only truth. Deceptive indicators and warnings are deleted from the Rappel of experiences with people. Our brains are working to ut the right thing, and when we interact with someone we like, our brains will seek Aisance of this and ignore anything that conflicts with it. We see this in extreme profession where a husband is cheating je his spouse. Everyone in the neighborhood knows embout it except cognition his spouse.

They are showing habitudes that they have no need to protect the abdomen whatsoever. We also see this behavior in authority figures who unconsciously ut this to illustrate their confidence. In all reality, however, it simply means that someone feels just délicate. There is Je dérogation to this. If the person vraiment their arms behind their back and Nous-mêmes hand is clasping the arm behind the back, this is indicative of self-restraint. This gesture can indicate someone is restraining either due to anger or dépassé of fear they will ut something they would rather not. In the anger scenario, you can see this in courtrooms as a suspect position to listen to a chambre’s sentence. In the fear scenario, you can see this when someone who doesn’t want to bungee-Terme conseillé is peering at the equipment looming near the edge of the platform. HANDEDNESS

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